Tips – How To Prepare The File

To obtain the best quality of the printout, please follow up the tips below.

  1. Prepare your file in the scale of 1:1
  2. The used resolution should be 30-150 dpi, according to the size and the purpose of the graphics. For the indoor printout that would be read near-by, use the resolution at least 120 dpi. For the rest of the cases read the list below.
  3. We accept the files saved in CMYK mode only.
  4. The most suitable format to save the graphics is TIFF CMYK with compression LZW, that allows to get the best graphics quality with small file size.
  5. To obtain deep black, replace black by colour including: C50%, M40%, Y40%, B100%.
  6. You may deliver your files on CD and DVD, or send it to FTP server, after telephone contact or mail contact.
  7. In the file name – please set the name of your print, its size (in mm), type of the material you want to get it printed and the edition, e.g.

“home_2000x1000_banner_1item.tif”, or “garden_500x325_foil_2items.pdf”

  • Suggested resolution (in DPI)depending on the print size:

To get the FTP address, login and password, please contact with our marketing department.